RG Paddock Stand Bobbins for Suzuki SFV650 Gladius


R&G Paddock stand Bobbins, or R&G Cotton eels as they are now often referred to as, are designed to fit the Suzuki SFV650 Gladius. These motorcycle bobbins screw directly in to the existing threads on the underside of the swinging arm allowing a fork type paddock stand to be used to lift the rear of the motorcycle safely and sturdily off the ground, enabling access to the rear wheel for removal and routine maintenance such as chain adjustment and chain lubrication.


This R&G bobbin kit also offers some crash protection, especially for the swinging arm, by having these additional points of contact in a fall. The R&G Aero Crash Protectors for Suzuki SFV650 Gladius are also available for this motorcycle.